Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Monday said that people who don’t consider Jammu and Kashmir as an integral part of India have no right to stay here and they should migrate to Pakistan.
Reacting sharply to the statement of MLA Langate Er Rashid in the Legislative Assembly that “J&K is not India’s integral part and he won’t change his stand even if he is hanged” the BJP spokesman Khalid Jehangir in a statement said, “It seems Er Rashid has forgotten he as a MLA is under oath to protect the sovereignty and integrity of India.”
Jehangir said, “If Er Rashid believes that JK is not an integral part of India, he should tender his resignation from the Legislative Assembly and join the separatist camp or migrate to Pakistan.”
The BJP spokesman said, “It’s unfortunate that Er Rashid despite enjoying all the privileges and drawing hefty salary as a MLA is questioning JK’s merger with India. Such people have no right to be the part of mainstream politics.”
Jehangir said, “Er Rashid has developed a habit of poking his nose in all the matters and keeps on creating nuisance every now and then. He should be disqualified from the assembly and debarred from contesting any elections in the near future. Jammu and Kashmir belongs to India and the people who challenge JK’s accession with India are welcome to migrate to Pakistan,” the BJP spokesman said.