On Wednesday, father of Handwara minor girl submitted an application to Judicial Magistrate, Handwara for registering FIR against alleged molestation by the army personnel of 21 RR, the police misconduct, illegal detention, intimidation and against the recording & circulation of the video of the minor girl without the consent of her parents.
“After hearing the arguments of the JKCCS legal team, the Judicial Magistrate issued the notice to SHO Handwara to submit the status report of the case by 15 June,” a JKCCS statement said this afternoon.
“Earlier on 16 May 2016, the family of the Handwara minor girl sent an application to the Special Investigation Team (SIT) and the SHO Handwara for registering two separate FIRs; one FIR against the army personnel of 21 RR who molested the minor girl outside the public toilet at Handwara market. Another FIR against the S P Handwara, Ghulam Jeelani Wani and others who recorded and circulated the video statement of the minor girl without the consent of her parents and for the misconduct, intimidation and the illegal police custody of the Handwara minor girl. For more than 20 days the Police have not filed the FIR, therefore the family of the Handwara minor girl decided to petition the Handwara district court as per the established procedures under section 156(3) CrPC,” the statement said.