Bollywood actress Celina Jaitly has been honoured with the Harvey Milk Award here. She has dedicated it to two Bangladeshi activists who were murdered and said she wants to share it with Indian LGBT activists.
The award is in the name of Harvey Bernard Milk, an American politician who became the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California. He won a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Celina, who looked ravishing in an all black dress, took to Instagram on Sunday to share a photograph of herself being feted with the award. She was flanked by Charles Radcliffe of the UN Human Rights Commission and Milk’s inspiring nephew, Stuart Milk. In an emotional speech on Saturday evening, she said she was dedicating the award to two Bangladeshi Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendre, Queer or Questioning and Intersex (LGBTQI) activists who were brutally murdered.
As people heard her with moist eyes, she said she did not want credit for something that is born of a collective process. She also announced that she wants to share the medal with Radcliffe and prominent Indian LGBT activists: Ashok Row Kavi, Laxmi Narayan Tripathi, Prince Manvendra Singh Gohail, Sridhar Rangayan, Harish Iyer, The Naz Foundation, Humsafar Trust and Geeta Kumana.