There have been several reports doing the rounds claiming that yesteryear actress, Sangeeta Bijlani is all set to sue the makers of Emraan Hashmi’s upcoming film, ‘Azhar.’ The movie is based on the life of the former controversial Indian cricket team captain, Mohammad Azharuddin. Azhar divorced his wife of eight years and went on to marry Sangeeta. And while the release of the film nearing, Sangeeta was worried that the film might show her in poor light and as a home-breaker. According to a report on, a concerned Sangeeta had a private phone call with Azhar, 5 years after their split and voiced her apprehensions. The source states that Sangeeta has expressed her desire to watch the film, and has been regularly keeping in touch with the cricketer. However, everything is being kept tightly under wraps. ‘Azhar’ starring Emraan Hashmi, Nargis Fakhri and Prachi Desai. And now that the film is out and doing good at box office, we assume sangeeta is also happy and not in a mood to sue the film makers.