he J&K High Court Bar Association, Srinagar on Monday saluted the people in “defeating all plans and schemes of the Govt. of India and its stooges in the State, in suppressing and/or weakening the ongoing freedom struggle of the people of Kashmir.”
While paying glowing tributes to all those who have suffered the brutalities, the association expressed its gratitude to the prominent writers, academics, journalists, artists, doctors, students and other civilians residing in UK and other places of the World, who have stood behind the people of Kashmir in their fight against “oppression”.
It also thanked them for condemning the “Indian barbarity in Kashmir in which more than 57 civilians have lost their lives so far and more than 6000 have received injuries, out of whom 370 have received pellet injuries and have been rendered partially or fully blind.”
“The Bar Association also wants to tell the Govt. of India that by sending the additional forces to J&K, they will not succeed in suppressing the ongoing freedom movement, except that they would be remembered in history as butchers of Kashmiri people, who had no respect for human dignity and human values and despite claiming themselves to be the biggest democracy of the world, engaged themselves in the genocide of the innocent people without any respect for their rights or fear of accountability,” Bar said in a statement today.
“The Bar Association also wants to tell the two “ruthless” Govts. that the recruitment of SPOs in all 22 districts of the State and the direction given to the hospital administration of SKIMS/SMHS and other hospitals that they should not provide any details about the civilians, injured in firing/shelling by the Govt. forces to the Media, will take them nowhere, as these methods have been used by them in the past, but they have not succeeded in suppressing the struggle of the people, in any manner, whatsoever.”
The Bar Association also wants to inform the two Govts. that by filing false affidavits before the Supreme Court, indicating therein that, there is improvement in the situation in Kashmir, they are only deceiving themselves and playing fraud with the people of India, because the entire World knows, as to what is happening in Kashmir right now and the people have condemned their use of force against the people of Kashmir with vehemence.
“They should also note that such kind of affidavits have also been filed by them in the past, when cases relating to abduction, rape, murder, custodial killings, fake encounters and people disappeared in custody, were being investigated by the courts and ultimately it was found that they have mislead the courts, for lust of power or for petty gains and in some cases they were penalized by the courts for making such untrue statements before the court,” the statement added.