Duashhar, the religious Kumbh of the Hindu community, took place at Shadipora in central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district after 75 years.
With the help of local Muslim community who were seen extending greetings to their Pandit brethren, thousands of Kashmir Pandits thronged to Shadipora- the place which is the confluence of two rivers Jhelum and Sindh.
“This is happening after 75 years. We are happy that we have been able to see it happen in our lifetimes”, said an excited young devotee.
The event comes right in the middle of a raging controversy on settlement of Kashmiri Pandits in separate ghettos in the valley.
Several valley based organisations have said Kashmiri Pandits should settle down in their original homes instead of separating the population.
While in this mela, it seemed that all the controversies are being manufactured to ensure divisions.
“We don’t need this. As you can see, this Mela has taken place after 75 years. Muslims are shoulder to shoulder here. They are greeting us in all ways. Let’s end this hate being propagated”, says another Kashmiri Pandit.
“We are helping in all the possible ways. Many people are even staying in our houses for last few days”, says Rashid Ahmad, a local.