Minister for Education, Naeem Akhtar while replying to a Calling Attention Notice of Showkat Hussain Ganaie, informed the House that Saakshar Bharat Mission (SBM) in the newly created districts of the State including Shopian has been sanctioned by the Union Ministry of Human Resources Development in March, 2016 on the request of the State after submission of pending Audited Reports since its launch in erstwhile 13 districts of the State.
Naeem Akhtar said like other leftover districts, the process of engagement of Volunteer was initiated by the Zilla Lok Shiksha Samiti (ZLSS) Shopian in January, 2012 but the matter of selection remained sub-judice for a period of two years in High Court.
The Minister said that after court direction during 2015-16, the selection process for engagement of 4 Coordinators, 2 Block Coordinators and 206 Preraks (Inspirers) has been finalized by the ZLSS headed by District Development Commissioner, Shopian, saying that the School Education Department has authorized the DDC, Shopian to go ahead with the engagement process.