Srinagar: Minister for PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control, Sham Lal Choudhary, replying to a question of Mohammad Muzaffar Parray, informed the House that the department will ensure to provide safe drinking water in the areas, where Water Supply Schemes (WSS) are under execution, through water tankers on regular basis till under construction Water Supply Schemes are commissioned. He said that the areas are also being provided regular water supply through water tanker where there is no WSS.
The Minister informed that WSS Khoie is under execution at an estimated cost of Rs. 7.55 crore against which Rs 2.37 crore have been incurred under NRDWP so far.
Mr. Sham Choudhary further informed that the department has provided 10 sintex water tanks to the Hanjipora area wherein water is filled through departmental tankers. He, however, said due to shortage of funds same could not be sent on regular basis to the area for shorter span and now is being provided thrice a week as per roaster.
Mr. Qaiser Jamsheed Lone raised supplementary to the main question.