A team of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) carried out a raid at the premises of Division office of South East Central Railway (SECR) Bilaspur and nabbed Divisional Finance Officer Ajay Kumar Panda red handed while accepting bribe of Rs 11,000.
The CBI team recovered the money from the possession of the Railway Officer.
According to the sources, the CBI team, while carrying out search operation, also found some incriminating documents against the accused officer.
Panda has been posted in the Division office as Additional Finance Manager (ADFM) and had demanded money from Railway contractor Subramanium to pass the bill.
On Friday, Panda asked the railway contractor to come to his office with first installment of his share.
The contractor reported the illegal demands made by the officer and a trap was laid to nab him.
Panda was arrested aby the CBI team as soon as he accepted the bribe from the contractor.