The prevalent dry weather in Kashmir is likely to end as the Meteorological Department, on Monday, here has predicted rain for the coming week.A MeT official said that the rains are expected to lash Jammu and Kashmir from tomorrow till Sunday.“Isolated rains are expected on Tuesday while as scattered rainfall is predicted on Wednesday in both Jammu and Kashmir.Then on Thursday and Friday, fairly widespread rains will be observed while as scattered rainfall will be expected on Saturday,” the weather official said.“However, weather in Ladakh is expected to be mostly dry. But on May 12 and 13, there are some chances of isolated rainfall,” the official said.
The maximum temperature in Srinagar on Monday was recorded at 27.1 degrees Celsius, three notches above normal while as in Jammu the mercury soared to reach to a high of 39.0 degrees Celsius. Humidity levels in Srinagar and Jammu at 5:30 pm were recorded at 65 and 30 per cent respectively.Meanwhile, the maximum temperature in Srinagar on Tuesday is expected to be 26 degrees Celsius while as in Jammu it is likely to hover around 39 degrees Celsius.