The two days National conference on topic, “Changing Dynamics of Media Landscape”, organized by Department of Mass Communication and New Media of Central University of Jammu in collaboration with the Press Club of Jammu begun today in the Temporary Academic Block of the University, Sainik Colony.
Eminent academicians and media persons addressed the inaugural session of the conference. Prof. Kuldeep Chand Agnihotri, Vice Chancellor, Central University of Himachal Pradesh was the Chief Guest on the occasion while Prof. Rajbir Singh, Director, CEC, UGC and Rajesh Badal, Executive Director, Rajya Sabha TV were the the Guests of Honour.
Prof. Rajbir Singh highlighted the role of media technology as to how technological developments and hybridisation of mass media and inter-textual relationship are defining everything. He said, ‘changing technologies and new media are shaping up contemporary media scenario and our lives simultaneously.’
Prof. Kuldeep Chand Agnihotri exhorted the participants to differentiate between superficial and basic changes. He said, ‘we see the world with sources of other powerful countries. To objectively evaluate news and information, we need to create our own sources.’
Speaking about the process of change in media environment, Rajesh Badal warned media consumers to be cautious of such changes. He said, ‘we must empower ourselves if we don’t want to be vulnerable to such changes. A change is need of the hour only with maturity and responsibility.’ Mr. Badal promised CUJ students to provide internship in Rajya Sabha TV.
Dignitaries also released fresh issue of campus newsletter ‘Campus Update.’ Prof. Ashok Aima, Vice-Chancellor, CUJ gave presidential speech and said, ‘we need to go for knowledge creation and all media technologies must be harnessed for such purpose.’ He also requested media organizations to give live assignments to the students.
The conference witnessed participation of local media persons and students from other academic institutions. The inaugural session ended with Vote of Thanks by Dr. Bachha Babu, Assisstant Professor, Department of Mass Communication and New Media.